Ease and Flow Physiotherapy and Myofascial Release

Physiotherapy and Myofascial Release in Birmingham

Privacy Policy

Data protection policy - why I collect your data and what I do with it

 When a client supplies personal details to this clinic they are stored and processed for the following reasons (the wording in bold are the relevant terms used in the General Data Protection Regulation).

1) I need to collect personal information, including health details, in order to provide the most appropriate treatment. When a client requests treatment and I agree to provide that care this constitutes a contract. You can refuse to supply that information, but without it I would not be able to provide treatment.

2) I have a legitimate reason for collecting that information because without it I could not do my job effectively or safely.

3) It is important to sometimes contact you regarding your appointments and the service I am providing. On occasions I may need to provide information about which you have expressed an interest. In this case it is your legitimate interest that I do so.

I have a legal obligation to retain client records for a minimum of 8 years after your most recent appointment (or age 25 if this is longer) after which time your records will be destroyed.

From time to time I may need to employ consultants to perform tasks which might give them access to your personal data (but not your medical notes). I will ensure that they are fully aware that they must treat the information as confidential.

Client data will never be shared with anyone unless I have the express consent of the client to do so. A proviso is that this confidentiality does not endanger the therapist’s own safety or that of the client, the client’s family members or other members of the public, nor contravene any legal action or legal requirement.

You have the right to see what personal data of yours I hold and you can also ask me to correct any factual errors.

You have the right to request that your data is made portable so that it can be transfered to another data processor  (ie someone else who may process your data, for example, another health professional)

If you feel I may be mishandling your data in any way you have the right to complain directly to me.

Katherine Kelly

Phone 07597 264 841

Email: easeandflowphysio@gmail.com


If you are not satisfied with my response then you have the right to raise the matter with Information Commissioner’s Office.


Facebook business page stores your information so is a ‘third party’. Please be aware of this.

Privacy Policy

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